I Love, Therefore I Am

I noticed of late the pull to be reclusive, again. I have lived with that in the background, and often enough in the foreground, for my entire life. What was also occurring during this time was that people that I love were coming to mind and, at moments, they left my mind and I instead felt them present in my experience. It was as if some essence of them was right here in me. As I contemplated this, I deliberately stopped “thinking” of them and simply invited them in. Over a period of days, dear friends and family seemed to be transiting through me. At times it felt like I was a mixture of myself and them, which I found quite easy to do. I felt their nudging energies blending into me, sometimes collectively. It is perhaps best imagined as being in pre-boiling water, considerable movement but warm and gently caressing.

What came to me was that the call towards reclusiveness might actually be the pull of the essential consciousness of each of these loved ones, acting collectively as a kind of magnified gravitational field. I might not be seeking to be solitary, but to be immersed within the many beloveds of my life.

At one point in that field, I let go and felt the rushing motion of moving into them, into that Many, and being joyously welcomed home. Moments later, I felt the Many rushing back into me and this core, this solid “I” was welcoming them back to the home that they were seeking. Back and forth We went.

In this moment it seems to me that all of the frequencies that I’ve been immersed in these many decades might just be the caresses of love in an infinite dance, leading and following, as the oscillations of I and We. This I/We is joy’d. Joy’d in the inhalation of love from the many and sharing that accumulated joy back into the ecosystem of the Many as the exhalation of this particular collective I/We. A natural breathing in and breathing out is taking over. It knows the way.

It certainly seems that I am the We of those I love and who love me, both the living and those who have passed on. I am sure that it extends beyond them but it certainly begins with those with whom I most naturally resonate. I am a fluid singular I that in some way is that We, as our resonances are always entwined. And yet often the collective energies that are present at a given moment are compacted and become experientially focused as a solid, individuated “I”. It is a matter of where and how attention is focused and it seems likely that this has always been so. I have newly conscious ways of perceiving. I can experience myself as a porous, loosely focused aspect of a blended We; as a compacted collective I – focused, lucid and distinct; or as an infinitely modulating dance between the two. It is clear that, whether in focused or unfocused form, without them I would not be. It appears, at least at the moment, that I exist only as some vortex of interrelationship, which oscillates between an expanded unfocused We and a compacted collective momentary I. I give back my gratitude, my appreciation and my love into the ecosystem of the Many when I experience myself on the leading, more uni-focused, side of the dance and I accept theirs in kind when invited to be the follower, to let go and be led. Bidirectional joy radiates at all times. This I/We is blended into the collective love that they are, in their web of loves, and we co-create ourselves in our joint oscillating resonances.

As we are joy’d by this inter-webbing, Being is joy’d in our recognition of, and active participation in, the ongoing joyful interplay of welcoming in and gifting out.

When I texted a friend with my thought of “Without those I love, I would not be,” his response was “So…..I love therefore I am?”. YES, that’s perfect.

I love, therefore I am

Free Will

As I have expressed before, there is nothing more powerful than choice. It originates as what one might call divine intent, the initial expression of which called forth our physical universe.

It could be argued that curiosity and imagination would have been necessary for the notion of creation, and of what to create, to arise in the first place, but in terms of raw power it seems to me that choice reigns supreme. Love, which many people point to as primary, might well have come into existence in the moments after the Big Bang and perhaps existed as a possibility before the Big Bang, but without duality there would have been nothing in existence that might have evoked the experience of love.  

Since we are aspects of consciousness, it seems logical to me that we tap that same power of choice in order to do things in our everyday lives, used with particular potency in our declarative choices. And all the while we are also being impacted by every single one of the choices upstream in “our” historical past. We would be, after all, the product of a long lineage of choices starting with some “let there be light” type of choice from which they all began, as I have articulated in previous writings. Thus it makes sense to me that all of those ancestral choices are still sourcing us and therefore should be “sense-able” at more and more subtle levels as we take our awareness back upstream towards that Source. I have noted before that the most discernable way that these choices appear comes in the form of preferences. Some of them we would call instincts and some we might actually recall choosing ourselves in this lifetime. The power to impact us at any given moment will depend on the power of that declarative choice when originally made, and how and where our attention is focused in our immediate circumstances. Continue reading Free Will

All and………

There is a saying that has become common of late, “both and”, which is intended to replace “either or”. It is intended to be inclusive.

I think that it is all a matter of how many perspectives you can hold at once. From a Spiral Dynamics perspective, one transcends and includes all components of the spiral from which one has arisen over time. All are “included” from the broader perspective from which one peers out at a given “moment”. Thus, none are excluded and the more developed a consciousness is, the more particles and parts are included. They are its components; its cells, if you will.

Now, how do we describe our experiences? We enjoy, we observe, we examine etc. As with the levels of the Spiral, we ARE the experience that we are having AND we are observing it, examining it, assessing it etc. and can access any of these at any “time” or, perhaps, all at the same time. In my view, the rate of experiential time that we choose to dwell in determines if we are multi-tasking – holding many views – or allowing a single one, or a few, to dominate. Continue reading All and………

Motion and Stillness

Following up on the last Post, here I’ll look at a feature of consciousness that is also fundamental, motion.

I’ll begin with one of my favorite Einstein quotes: “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. It is physics.” (turns out this is not an Einstein quote)

The foundation of this Blog is that we live in constantly moving energetic fields.  At the most fundamental physical levels, the Earth is rotating and also orbiting the Sun, which in turn is rotating in our spiral galaxy, which exists in a universe that is expanding. Add to that the fairly recent measurement of gravitational waves from two black holes that merged 1.3 billion years ago and rippled space/time here on Earth in Sept. of 2015. Apparently there are innumerable large-scale interactions occurring in space that have this type of impact. Given that they are now measureable, it means that they are, and have always been, sense-able as energetic motion. This kind of motion, of course, does not include all of the smaller flows of weather, wildlife, people, our respiration, our moods and the like, with which we are more familiar. Though the scales are obviously quite different, our bodies (gross, subtle or causal) can tune to any of it, in my view, even though our attention tends to habitually remain focused in particular energetic ranges. The bottom line here is that everything is moving and what moves is experienceable by the very fact that it is moving, in relation to some given point of perception. Continue reading Motion and Stillness

Family Traits

This essay is taken from my book (pictures added). These primary traits have been a recurring presence in my mind of late so I began a new Post, which became unnecessary when looking back at this piece.

In the essay above on Looking Good, I stated that I think that all of the most basic traits of consciousness flow through every level of awareness. Thus, my curiosity wonders which of these were present before the Big Bang and which might have developed later. So it is again time for more “creations of imagination”. [I’m going to ignore the idea of a multiverse, since if that possibility is mentioned in mystical writings, it’s not discernible to me in any that I am familiar with.] In that vein I’ll repeat what I suggested in Creation and Appreciation: “For any choice to occur there must have been, at a very minimum, the options of creating or not creating. Options require distinctions between one “thing” and another, so the possibility of making distinctions must have existed before that initial choice.” For distinctions to be possible, observation must also have been an aspect of consciousness.

If, to borrow a phrase, we were “made in the image and likeness of God,” then it makes sense that we still reflect the “likeness” of our parent energy, which some call god. It also makes sense, from a purely evolutionary point of view, that the essence of what we evolved from would still be embedded in us, much like the DNA in our bodies. And where those likenesses are most visible in a relatively undiluted form is in young children. Initially it takes time to bring their attention into our perceptual ranges, but as they do they are insatiably curious. They observe, then explore and enjoy. Continue reading Family Traits

Movement and Evolving Consciousness

I’ve been participating in the Evolutionary Collective for several years but in January I went to my first “public” event, of which there have been relatively few. In that event we did some practices that are typical of what we normally do, either online or by phone weekly, or in person at our periodic weekends together. But the energy in the room seemed to have a different dynamic than what I had normally experienced in the EC work.

What came to mind is something that I mentioned in Some Thoughts on Love, Sadness and We-Space, and that is about energetic distances. In that essay I wrote about the experience of “falling in love” with my wife and that after many years the sensation of “falling” was no longer experienced. We’d fallen into orbit around each other so there was little distance between our energetic home bases.

Similarly, in this EC event the energetic distance, which those new to the territory needed to traverse towards this collective We-Space, would have been greater than that which occurs for those of us who are already in some energetic proximity to each other.
The EC members present had all practiced regularly together for at least a year, and for some of us much longer. Continue reading Movement and Evolving Consciousness

Where Are Your Feelings?

It seems that providing an easier way to understand frequencies will be useful. I’ve lived with them so long that I have failed to take notice of the difficulty that getting a sense of them can pose.

One clear place to look at them is an old saying, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”. When someone is exuberant, you know it. You don’t have to be told. When someone is suffering, it’s the same. If you are in any conversation, particularly a difficult one, you are constantly assessing another’s reaction to what you have said and “where they are coming from” when they are talking. All of this is taken into account in each moment and your responses will be dictated by what you are “getting” from them. In my experience, each and every nuance is a blend of frequencies. You are not just assessing body language, you are inherently sensing the energies that are being evoked and expressed, along with those that are being comingled between you. This is not something that you needed to be taught. It is a compilation of all of your enculturation and personal experience since you’ve been on the planet.

Yes, you can clearly see it in the eyes of another, and that may be how you would normally describe it. But I suspect that you mostly aren’t conscious of the give and take of this process as it is occurring. You just interact naturally. I clearly remember overhearing half of a phone conversation my daughter was having with a friend when she was in her early teens. I was aware that she was bouncing thoughts off of her friend and adjusting them based on the response. I remember thinking that I was watching her develop her public persona by this interaction, of which I’m sure there were hundreds. She was sorting out what was being well received and what wasn’t and modifying her presentation as she conversed. She was becoming someone new as she went along and she did not need to see those eyes to sense where her friend was coming from. These sensings, these feelings cannot even be articulated by an infant or young child but to anyone who has interacted with babies, it is clear that there is a give-and-take in which each participant is gauging reaction and responding accordingly. Any parent knows that babies and very young children are easily distracted. They can be drawn away from a particular object of their attention with relative ease, which is very useful tool that every parent has used. Today we might call that “changing the topic”. The same method can still be used to divert attention away from a line of discussion that is not preferred. We picked this up from our parents long ago and have not abandoned it because it can still be useful, whether we are doing it automatically or deliberately. Continue reading Where Are Your Feelings?

Layers of Belonging

If it is true that the universe started with a singularity, and has evolved over the eons into more diverse and complex forms, then back upstream we are obviously more communal and, at points, unified. Alan Watts said “…we grow out of this world exactly the same way that apples grow out of the apple tree.” We are growing out of this world, which is our source, as the Sun is the source of life on the planet, and the galaxy is the parent of the solar system, thus us.

It seems logical to me that the impact of every energetic range of any I/We is most noticeably experienced at the levels at which that particular attention is normally focused. The result is that there are a vast number of levels at which we experience belonging but we tend to be most aware of those in ranges in which we live our daily lives, which I have called our “frequency neighborhood”. As I’ve said before, the higher frequencies at which we normally operate are instinctually more present to us than, for instance, something like the frequency at which the Earth transits around the Sun, which we perceive as relatively slow and, only mentally at that.

So I think that we are pulled gravitationally towards our sense of every relatively unified “I” all along those many upstream layers of consciousness. The farther upstream that gravitation is, the less we are aware of it. Imagine your awareness moving up the branches of a tree towards the trunk.

At every intersection where branches merge, you would become aware of the larger communal self of that branch and become aware of the attributes of the smaller branches that you feed. We KNOW that we “belong” there but from downstream near smallest branches, that is experientially far away and is thus usually too subtle to be noticed. It seems to me that belonging is a form of resonant tuning, which is experienceable at an infinite number of levels. I think that we tend to look for evidence of that resonance to be manifested at every level from our deepest experience of it, down into our normal daily operating range. When we fall in love with someone, that sense of deep communion seems to rise up into every aspect of our lives. But over time we do seem to drift back towards the frequency ranges that we have most commonly inhabited. Does that love, that deep communion continue to manifest in our daily frequency ranges in ways that we can recognize in our daily lives? Are those we love saying so? Are there little acts of kindness?

Continue reading Layers of Belonging

The Fluid Borders of I and We

I’ve long been clear that since all frequencies are moving – and my experience outside of that flux is extremely rare – whatever is experienced as “I” in a given moment is, in some way, also moving. But everything that comes out of my mouth is coming from a perspective – a particular flow – and “I” am clearly not any one perspective. Yet any given perspective often feels to be a result of other perspectives coming together in some kind of revealed frequency. At first I thought that the disparate frequencies merged into a concentrated form that blinded “me” to their former experiential distinctness but it seems that it’s a bit more complex than that. The more I observed the process the more it seemed as if there is a given moment in which a transformation occurs. It appeared that the perspectives were vying for the attention of an observer, that was allowing each to have their say, and at some point the observer enters the space and the noise is quelled by its presence. There then is a separate and distinct place from which a description arises adjacent to that relative silence, like a commentator at a sporting event, and that description defines the boarders of a new distinction.

Experientially, the many perspectives were converted from distinct particles (many transiting perspectives) to one very long wavelength (a singular perception) and was then articulated by an “I”, which I always and only describe as “me”. So it appears that there is a process from experiencing a collection of perspectives, to an observer and an assessor, which in a way declares the resulting point of view. Yet again, where focused attention lies is what determines how I experience myself at any given moment.

Continue reading The Fluid Borders of I and We


shutterstock_392055367Here I’ll describe some observations on preferences. Preferences often dictate our choices, and the power of choice is a primary thread for the perspective that I’m attempting to convey.

There are a number of ways that I experience the flow of frequencies in which thoughts are not involved. Since I’ve already relayed that I consider these, and not thoughts, as real (relatively), these traits or tendencies seem important to note.

  1. Pure unadulterated flow, moving every which way of its own accord, seemingly unimpeded by my conscious attention.
  2. This is experientially the same as #1 but added to it is an experience of pleasure.
  3. This is experientially the same as #2 but a form of choosing appears. Some aspect of “I” is periodically, but automatically, seeking pleasure by choosing to merge with a particular frequency. It also avoids relative dissonance by diverting attention from a frequency, closing off that pathway.
  4. Again, this is experientially the same as #2 but “I” am deliberately choosing the direction of flowing/merging. Though there are still no words here, it is clear that some aspect of my awareness is actively selecting which direction to flow into or close off.
  5. Flow stops for a moment, “I” skips over what seems like a tight bundle of intensity, and I arrive at the absolute stillness of the witness state. Though there is no energetic flow of any kind, frequencies and preferences are visible, somehow, out “in the distance”, by the witness. I will also note here that there are times when I am on the threshold of this witness state, which is quiet and observant but not completely “still”.

It is numbers 3 & 4 that are of particular interest to me at this moment. They are essentially the same except that one is automatic and the other is somehow chosen deliberately. What I’d like to point out is that there are a multitude of preferences and that we are not conscious of most of them. It seems possible that these preferences are the result of earlier upstream choices (similar to cultural conditioning) though I cannot be certain. But what I can say is that I’ve witnessed them, and that both aspects seem to exhibit tendencies of curiosity and pleasure seeking (appreciation).

Continue reading Preferences