
shutterstock_392055367Here I’ll describe some observations on preferences. Preferences often dictate our choices, and the power of choice is a primary thread for the perspective that I’m attempting to convey.

There are a number of ways that I experience the flow of frequencies in which thoughts are not involved. Since I’ve already relayed that I consider these, and not thoughts, as real (relatively), these traits or tendencies seem important to note.

  1. Pure unadulterated flow, moving every which way of its own accord, seemingly unimpeded by my conscious attention.
  2. This is experientially the same as #1 but added to it is an experience of pleasure.
  3. This is experientially the same as #2 but a form of choosing appears. Some aspect of “I” is periodically, but automatically, seeking pleasure by choosing to merge with a particular frequency. It also avoids relative dissonance by diverting attention from a frequency, closing off that pathway.
  4. Again, this is experientially the same as #2 but “I” am deliberately choosing the direction of flowing/merging. Though there are still no words here, it is clear that some aspect of my awareness is actively selecting which direction to flow into or close off.
  5. Flow stops for a moment, “I” skips over what seems like a tight bundle of intensity, and I arrive at the absolute stillness of the witness state. Though there is no energetic flow of any kind, frequencies and preferences are visible, somehow, out “in the distance”, by the witness. I will also note here that there are times when I am on the threshold of this witness state, which is quiet and observant but not completely “still”.

It is numbers 3 & 4 that are of particular interest to me at this moment. They are essentially the same except that one is automatic and the other is somehow chosen deliberately. What I’d like to point out is that there are a multitude of preferences and that we are not conscious of most of them. It seems possible that these preferences are the result of earlier upstream choices (similar to cultural conditioning) though I cannot be certain. But what I can say is that I’ve witnessed them, and that both aspects seem to exhibit tendencies of curiosity and pleasure seeking (appreciation).

It must be noted that all of my descriptions of these observations emerge out of the experiences themselves. This “I” is immersed in experience and there is periodically a micro-second on/off, a momentary slowing down of attention, where a sequence of events occurs. In an instant, after exiting the experience, observation occurs followed by assessment. Then, on some occasions, there appears to be curiosity followed by preference, and then choice of direction. It is my suspicion that this nearly instantaneous sequence is occurring all of the time. It happens so fast that it appears as a single event, but it seems to me that it is not; the events are sequential. I think that if I could slow my moment-by-moment experience down, I’d see the entire sequence every time. This is indicative of the fact that I experience time differently in upstream consciousness (longer wavelengths) than down. Anyone who’s done LSD or been in a very deep meditative state can confirm that time flows differently there. In that space one becomes conscious of smaller moments in time, and it has the strange effect of making longer sequences seem to move in slow motion. As my attention moves to the subtle longer wavelengths, my “normal” area of focus is displaced by that attention shift, so perception changes. One example is listening to someone talking. Experientially, each sentence that I’m listening to can lose connection with the next so I cannot follow the train of thought. When “slowing” more, each single word is gone before the next one arrives. Lastly, words break down into simple unconnected sounds, each with its own grace and beauty. So I’m saying that it is the nature of frequencies to flow in one direction then another, up and down like any sine wave. The up/down rate of any frequency that I am experiencing is based on the wavelengths at which my consciousness is currently focused and it is clear to me that the length of the waves impacts my experience of time.

I’m going to step back for a moment here to my very first Post, and note that in my view an “I” is a collection of perspectives which are occasionally perceive as a “We”. This I/We shift in perspective appears to be a frequency of its own, just like the notion of agency and communion, and it occurs at varying rates depending, again, on what I am attending to and its relative temporal rate.

The “I” has access to a vast array of differing perspectives that it is conscious of at any given moment, each with its own frequency or frequency range. This is reflected daily in my internal monologue, where issues are sorted out between diverse perspectives, all of which the “I” holds in some way. It seems reasonable to me to believe that these same distinct perspective relationships also occur up and down the entire spectrum of wavelengths, from the Big Bang to “me”. Each frequency seems to have a voice, or at least an energetic attachment generated by “thought form”, which comes with its preferences. This, in my model, must logically occur everywhere along this choice/intent stream of Becoming’s long pathway to “my” particular point of attention. The possibility, therefore, that my internal monologue can occur between perspectives at vastly differing wavelengths, upstream and down, should be no real surprise. The “attention” of Being is coursing through all levels from original singularity to this “I’s” point of focused attention as it vacillates between perceiving some collection of We and being an I.

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