The Archives of Becoming

Becoming’s gusto to beautify, to make more perfect, appears relentless and Being’s appetite for appreciating the beautiful also seems inexhaustible. Both of those energies are still very much “us” and every nuanced layer “down” through time can be felt if one can but “remember” them in their energetic splendor. Here I’ll focus on what I see as a trait of Becoming’s energy.

Blue glowing futuristic jump gate in space, computer generated abstract background

As the intent of Becoming’s evolutionary flow spreads out, metaphorically, to where our consciousness resides now, that evolution has created an energetic trail, which is still our source. The intentions (choices) which initiated those varied flows are carried along downstream and reside in tenuous flavors of preference that lie below our conscious thinking. Those deeper directives have been diluted by our more focused localized beautification decisions, which operate at faster frequencies and thus mask the gentle undulations beneath. To be able to sense them we most often use some kind of “letting go” or “bringing forth” practice, which can melt away the most superficial frequencies. What is revealed is where some aspect of “us” – a less differentiated We – used to look out from. We are familiar with every space along our route, since we created them on the way here by “our” own beautification choices.

It seems to me that, by the very fact that they were the opening through which we created this place, those intentions are of a broader vision of the beautiful. They are less focused on the relative minutia that we as individuals are intent upon now. The urgent yearning of survival, for instance, is much deeper than what clothes are most suitable for the event you are attending. Both are a form of a beautification – a “what will make the next moment more perfect” choice – but are of differing depths. If you are in a real, or imagined, life and death situation, all minor preferences/choices disappear. Yet all of these, in some way, must reflect the life force infused in us through the planet, the star and their energetic ancestors.

I am thinking that sensing into those deeper flows and operating in this world in alignment with those choices is a least a component of making the world work “as intended”. You cannot let go of something that you are not aware of so observation – becoming aware – is always the first step. But the natural flow is to then blend those deeper intents with the abilities we’ve developed by operating in this physical and psychical world and merge all of our intentions into one clear choice stream. We, in essence, can re-choose that which we already chose in our “past”, when we were less differentiated, and manifest that choice into the world of the more differentiated. With our current abilities as to what it takes to produce results on this plane, we can take that choice, that commitment, and bring the intention of those depths here. As they are shared and manifested, they will resonate with all those who also shared in the creation of those commitments and are currently sensitive enough to recognize their siren’s call. Part of the overall beauty of this process is that though at some point there was a more unified We that chose what now appears to us as a general direction, as more differentiates selves we have different experience and abilities here in this place. We draw inspiration from our more localized experiences can contribute to the manifestation of that deeper theme in ways that suit our talents and our inclinations of what reflects that beauty here.

I will point out that I see our deeper collective choices showing up in my life as subtle preferences, both energetic and cognitive. So though I do recognize that letting go practices that call for releasing preferences are valuable, what is revealed by the letting go will be more subtle preferences. The embrace of the deeper preferences and the intent to actively manifest the inspirations that arise from them must not be skipped over as just something else to let go of. Letting go will always be an aspect of growth but participation will always be part of the beautification process in which we are most naturally engaged. We must not distain either.

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