Movement and Evolving Consciousness

I’ve been participating in the Evolutionary Collective for several years but in January I went to my first “public” event, of which there have been relatively few. In that event we did some practices that are typical of what we normally do, either online or by phone weekly, or in person at our periodic weekends together. But the energy in the room seemed to have a different dynamic than what I had normally experienced in the EC work.

What came to mind is something that I mentioned in Some Thoughts on Love, Sadness and We-Space, and that is about energetic distances. In that essay I wrote about the experience of “falling in love” with my wife and that after many years the sensation of “falling” was no longer experienced. We’d fallen into orbit around each other so there was little distance between our energetic home bases.

Similarly, in this EC event the energetic distance, which those new to the territory needed to traverse towards this collective We-Space, would have been greater than that which occurs for those of us who are already in some energetic proximity to each other.
The EC members present had all practiced regularly together for at least a year, and for some of us much longer. Continue reading Movement and Evolving Consciousness

Inclusion and Exclusion

Given our premise that there is one Being, of whom we are all expressions, it is logical to assume that somewhere in our depths we are conscious of this fact. There must certainly be an infinite number of levels of communal resonance developed down through the eons to where our particular attention is focused right now. I think, therefore, that in our interactions with other people we are at least subtly aware of being included in those deeper communal spaces, or excluded from them, implicitly or explicitly. Our sensitivity to that inclusion or exclusion will likely be experienced energetically as undifferentiated resonance or dissonance. At deeper levels, its impact would be much more subtle, and at some depth disappear into ranges where the wavelengths are too broad for most to perceive given where our attention is currently focused. Yet they are still there.

Continue reading Inclusion and Exclusion

Certainty and Freedom

I think that when anyone has an insight, on almost any topic, that very state of insight has as its natural energy, the space of simple certainty; a sense of knowing. This is, I believe, indicative of thoughts that appear when tapping into any of the longer energetic wavelengths. An insight shared from that deep space carries with it a solid sense of certainty. As I experience them, longer wavelengths live in the background and thus are the relatively stable canvas on which my everyday experiences are alighted. So when a new insight is tapped from that wider field and expressed, the listener may feel the impact of the words landing as fact. Declared facts, by their nature, eliminate options contradictory to the stated position so can be experienced as restrictive to the listener. Just as when you are fully focused on some task, everything outside of that area of focused attention disappears from your experience. Certainty pushes alternate frequencies/perspectives to the sideline.

Now one of the most fundament aspects of Being, is freedom. Being is unencumbered at its origin. I think that most would agree that at Being’s deepest level absolute freedom is one of its fundamental attributes. And since it lies there in our depths, it is one of our fundamental attributes too. Thus anything we experience as impinging on that absolute freedom can evoke a dissonance that can reverberate downstream from the natural depth at which our boundlessness resides.

Continue reading Certainty and Freedom