Dancing Towards Home

I will begin with two quotes:
“She hurls herself forth outside Him in a burst of joy, to play at finding Him again in Time – He and She, two in one.” – Satprem, from his book Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness.

“We are all just walking each other home.” – Ram Dass

I do not know all of the paths that my children have traveled or their experiences on those paths. But I know them deeply and always welcome their visits, and all of the adventures and experiences of any kind that they may care to share with us. So too, it seems to me, we are somehow known from our beginning, when we leapt forth to play as separate entities. There is a kind of discovering on our travels, of aspects of Self, long lost to us, that have explored other paths, many very unlike ours, but whose essence is familiar, known and loved, some more easily recognized than others.

In the natural exploratory and playful ways of our individuated selves, we have crossed paths with family members from that original home, but also from the interim homes where we have loved and dwelt for a time with favored playmates along the way. Those homes may be other places and times here on Earth, other worlds, stars or galaxies, with, perhaps, this universe as the ultimate home.

In a post “Integrating the We” I wrote that in remembering my past acquaintances, co-workers, family and friends from this lifetime, the memory of nearly every one of them brought me some flavor of joy:

So, I’m now seeing that before I could consciously recognize that I had always been “Integrating the We” of them, I had to have integrated myself to some degree. I had to do the work of extracting what was not essentially me in order to get close to the range where essence-to-essence resonance would be the norm in order to see them in me, as me. Time has also clearly played a part in that. But now, as I bring them all in, I am enhancing this I to be more whole, in the acknowledgement of their contribution to this I. How many will I be able to include as sustenance to the WE that I continue to become? It seems like the more of the essence of this emerging WEcosystem that I bring in, the more folks I include into the I/WE-ness of which I am aware, the more accessible my affinity is, that agape, to reach out and sense the joyful selves of others in my environment. I can then actively invite their energies into this evolving I/We and gift back to them the vibrations of this enhanced Self to which they have contributed. And note that they too are composites of relationships accrued in their life’s journey and thus the vastness of the ever-interacting WEcosystem becomes more apparent. The more Selves-aware I become, the more Self-aware I become and the more Selves-aware all of the WEcosystem becomes.

What has become clearer of late is how the sharing of our discoveries, past and especially present, opens up our sensing abilities to ever deeper familial connections, and fosters a seeing and being seen that draws us back towards the time of our initial leaping forth. This kind of sharing seems to increase the velocity and intensity of the love, joy and playfulness of reuniting. It’s a kind of deliberate, reciprocal depth perception practice for the re-Joy-ning of the many. That feels particularly true for those with whom I have played before and with whom I have shared some interim home, a frequency neighborhood if you will, before this lifetime. With them there is a natural accelerant in just being together, but the sharing amplifies the sense of moving towards our once unified state.

Though many may still be exploring outward, away from our origin point, I myself do feel that, in the words of Ram Dass, I am walking home, hand in hand with others who are going my way, so to speak. The pace at which I playfully, and sometimes seriously, move towards home is magnified when I come into contact with not just individuals, but with groups that resonate at similar frequencies to where I now find myself, after having imbibed the delightful essences of others along my journey just as they have. I can sense my resonance with them but am also very sensitive to that underlying pull towards home. I have long felt that the Earth is not my home and though I do have some affinity for it, I now seem to be more sensitive to some other interim home or homes, where I stayed for a time while meandering out from that mysterious origin point.

Now I’ll pivot to gravitation. I’ve had the notion for quite some time that focused attention generates a form of energy, and as theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder has said, “All kinds of energy have a gravitational pull.” If my conjecture is correct, focused attention, individual and collective, must have some measure of gravity, however small.  And given the intense gravity of black holes, I have mused that they might be the most conscious “things” in the universe, being, perhaps, portals for the pure attention of consciousness. A new theory in astrophysics points in a similar direction, it seems to me.

On one of the astrophysics channels that I watch on occasion, I came across a video that I feel has profound implications for this idea. I have put a link for you below to watch (it is less than 10 minutes long). But first I will put some context for those who may not have my interest in physics. In quantum mechanics everything exists as a possibility until there is an observation. Only when an observation occurs is there a shift from that space of potential into physical existence where it can then be seen/measured. You may get a bit lost with some of the technicalities of physics that he is talking about, but the overall concept of what is observing is all that I am asking you to take in.

Why the quantum world collapses into reality

So, it may well be that our reality is held in place by black holes, including the one in the center of the Milky Way, and that it is possibly one of our “interim homes” to which we are being gravitationally drawn. It seems nearly impossible, at least while in these bodies, to recall all of our playful journeys from the point at which we split off from some vaster aspect of consciousness. But we can feel the pull of that gravitation, the call of wholeness, and walk back in that direction in the company of, and with the help of, loved and resonant siblings who we attract, and are attracted by, along the way.

6 thoughts on “Dancing Towards Home”

  1. Thank you, as always, Justin, for the gravity of your thoughts. As I read your words, I smile in re-cognition of our “we-ness.”

  2. WEcosystem!

    Thanks for help getting the black hole thing.
    (Trouble posting a “duplicate” comment.)

  3. I know nothing. That’s about all I know for sure.
    I suspect that the physical universe doesn’t exist without consciousness to posit it.
    And in that case there is no home out there.
    There is only this THISNESS of which we all partake.
    It can be experienced in the wondrous coherence of apparently individuated selves.
    Which blows the mind that thought it was separate.
    Hello Justin! How lovely to touch the end of your finger once again.

    1. Ultimately, of course, it is a mystery. And though there may not be an ultimate home, I do think that there are “frequency neighborhoods” where I have dwelt with others, and, for me, there is definitely some kind of homing beacon. This “apparently individuate self” can feel the ways that it makes its way through my current ecosystem, beckoning me with some subtle, and occasionally not so subtle, gravitational pull. I don’t know its source, what about this apparent self is sensing that pull, but it is felt, somehow.

      I always appreciate your comments, Cassandra.

  4. Yes, of course! The homing beacon! The yearning for something lost but not forgotten. I know it well, too.

    I perhaps diverge from your exploration of physical space for answers to that inner call. For me, there simply is no physical “out there” I experience the physical universe as beholden to consciousness for its apparent existence. It is “in here” that home is found, in my humble opinion.

    But to explore inner space even further, there seems to be a movement now into our inner space shared and squared. Found in the intersection of separate beings, it can bring a sense of something so close to home as to be exhilarating.

    All this to find myself in resonance with your statement: “with the help of, loved and resonant siblings who we attract, and are attracted by, along the way.” YES!

    Lovingly, C.

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